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  3. Yep. Monthly thread about this, please stop creating threads like this.
  4. No spamming whatsoever, please review the TOS.
  5. This is answered in the FAQ about payments.
  6. This one is sort of a legacy feature that we eventually need to upgrade 🙂 sorry about that!
  7. Yes we do, there are many threads about this 😃
  8. I have a humble request to adfoc.us team to please pay my money today it emergency 🙏
  9. Its above 2 months. You have not paid till now. Please reply, You are also not replying in email.
  10. Is Adfocus still operating and paying today?
  11. With this forum is it possible to transfer links from other platforms. Rephrase if I have legal permission to use said links can I also past them in this forum?
  12. Did you received? For me it took a time, but they paid!
  13. I'm very glad to work with AdFocus. My payment proof is here in a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JG1b1GfCnoA
  14. Why My previous month earning wasn't added in my account balance in this month ? For 2 month my account balance is the same , although I have earned in previous month. Can Anyone tell this problem ? When that earning will be added ?
  15. I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money
  16. I made a payment of my funds and you said that this would happen within 24-72 hours, but 72 hours have already passed and you are not sending me my money
  17. Я произвел выплату своих средств и вы сказали, что это произойдет в течение 24-72 часов, но уже прошло 72 часа, а вы не отправляете мне мои деньги.
  18. In the payout rates , it's written that for USA visitors it's upto $26 cpm . Can I earn that much if I create multiple shortened url and combinely I will get 1000 unique visitors to all the links . Or do I need unique 1000 visitors on a single shortened url to earn $26 cpm ?
  19. He does not have a Bitcoin wallet or a PayPal wallet, he only has a Binance wallet So please pay here Binance wallet 0x09b3283c83c35866e62e88c57c8eb24f41146758 ERC20
  20. Google analytics tool doesn't work even when you put your tracking ID to track visitors...can you Admin solve the problem, please.
  21. We give you a chance to appeal your warning but a ban is conclusive and not reversible. Read the TOS for a list of forbidden traffic methods.
  22. Hi there My account was banned this morning for spammer!!!! I didn't violate the site policy..I generated more than 210 dollars with organic traffic. I used adfocus tools (script) and integrated it in my blogger site. I don't know why my account is banned or even the real reason to get banned!!!! Thank you adfocus
  23. Approved by Webmaster247.com.br ; Payment proof:
  24. Wouldn't be able to do that, sorry. Perhaps a new one can be built? If you are interested, PM me! I'd be glad to feature it & we can have the other one taken down.
  25. Is the app open-source or closed sourced? I would like to take a look at it and maybe update it
  26. Please refrain from spamming on the forums.
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