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Mad213 last won the day on June 28 2019

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  1. AceDanny can it take 3 month to receive a payment its too long
  2. bro do you have instagram or fb i want to ask you some important questions
  3. aewahab7 what can i do now tell me is it a scam or what i am waiting since december 7 and i didnt receive anything
  4. lewis when you get your payment share it here
  5. bro me too i dont received my money i will wait 10 days more
  6. aewahab7 really? send payment proof
  7. not dear brother i think it is a scam and we will never get paid :(((((( i am so sad
  8. Lewis did you get your payment?
  9. yes bro but i heard it could take up to halfway through the next month to process all payments
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